Прес-анонс брифінгу, присвяченого реалізації проекту “МАЛІ МІСТА – ВЕЛИКІ ВРАЖЕННЯ”

9 березня 2018 року (четвер) о 13.00 в ІА «Укрінформ» (м.   Київ, вул. Б. Хмельницького, 8/16) відбудеться брифінг, присвячений реалізації ініційованого Міністерством культури України проекту «Малі міста – великі враження». У рамках проекту вісім фіналістів, відібраних шляхом відкритого конкурсу, протягом літніх місяців 2018 року на основі історичних пам’яток створять культурні стартапи, які мають надати поштовх для подальшого культурно – економічного розвитку територій.
Спікери брифінгу:
Євген Нищук – Міністр культури України
Тамара Мазур – заступник Міністра культури України
Ірина Френкель –  куратор проекту, директор Українського центру культурних  досліджень
Олександр Єпіфанов – начальник Управління охорони культурної спадщини Мінкультури
Голови міст-переможців конкурсного відбору для участі у проекті
Акредитація ЗМІ за тел.: 234-15-36 та e-mail: presa@mincult.gov.ua
Місце проведення:  м. Київ, вул. Б. Хмельницького, 8/16, ІА «Укрінформ», о 13.00

«Культура для локального розвитку»: відкрито набір | M.Science-Community.org

Збережено мову оригіналу.

Страна: Georgia;

Дедлайн: 02.04.2018

Тип гранта: Summer school;

Веб-сайт: culture.pl

Область наук: Культурология;

Институт Адама Мицкевича и Европейский центр солидарности приглашают менеджеров культуры из Армении, Азербайджана, Беларуси, Грузии, Молдовы, Польши и Украины принять участие в международном проекте «Культура для локального развития», который в 2018 году будет проходить в третий раз.

Проект адресован активистам, которые:

  • занимаются менеджментом культурных проектов
  • работают с локальными сообществами и считают, что культура может стать инструментом для социальных изменений
  • хотят придать своей работе международное измерение
  • хотят приобрести новые творческие навыки

Первый этап проекта будет проходить в мае 2018 года в Киеве и Тбилиси. Избранные кандидаты примут участие в мастер-классах под руководством опытных специалистов. Мастер-классы будут посвящены менеджменту культурно-социальных проектов, а также использованию международных связей в развитии локальных программ. Кандидаты смогут принять участие в конкурсе на финансовую поддержку, которая поможет им воплотить свои проекты в жизнь.

Избранных участников пригласят на второй этап проекта, в летнюю школу, которая будет проходить в Польше с 29 июля по 6 августа 2018 года. В программу войдут как многочисленные мастер-классы, так и экскурсии в общественные и культурные организации Польши. Программа позволит участникам развивать свои инициативы, созданные во время первого этапа проекта.  Молодые менеджеры культуры также получат возможность начать сотрудничество со своими коллегами из Армении, Азербайджана, Молдовы, Беларуси, Грузии, Украины и Польши.

Поскольку рабочий язык программы — английский, участникам необходимо владеть языком минимум на уровне В2.

Место и время проведения мастерклассов на первом этапе проекта:

  1. Киев (участники из Беларуси, Молдовы, Польши и Украины): 10 – 13 мая 2018
  2. Тбилиси (участники из Армении, Азербайджана, Грузии и Польши): 24 – 27 мая 2018

Польские участники должны выбрать, в каком из двух городов они хотят посещать мастер-классы.

Партнеры проекта «Культура для локального развития»:

  • Программа «Креативная Европа – Украина» (Creative Europe Ukraine)
  • Программа «Креативная Европа – Грузия» (Creative Europe Georgia)
  • Culture Foundation (Украина)
  • Solidarity Fund PL (Молдова)

Хотите принять участие? Отправьте заявку (на английском языке) онлайн.
Заявки принимаются до 2 апреля 2018 года.

Результаты будут объявлены до 8 апреля 2018 года. Каждый кандидат получит ответ на свой электронный адрес.

Организаторы берут на себя расходы, связанные с мастер-классами, проживанием и питанием. В исключительных случаях они также могут рассмотреть заявки на частичное или полное покрытие стоимости поездки.

Расходы на дорогу, а также проживание во время Летней школы покрывают организаторы.

Если у вас есть вопросы, вы всегда можете связаться с нами по адресу: europe@ecs.gda.pl.


Films of the Audiovisual Ukrainian Pottery studio “Renaissance” at National Museum of the Ukrainian Pottery


(studio “Renaissance”, 2009; director is Lyudmyla Poshyvailo, script writer is Viktoriya Zuban’, cameramen are Yuriy Herasimenko, Lyudmyla Poshyvailo, editor is Yuriy Herasimenko, narrator is Iryna Chirka; the length of a film is 12 min. 58 sec)

This film is about the history of the formation and the current state of the pottery capital of Ukraine – the town of Opishne, the top artistic achievements of Opishnian potters, the development of The National Preserve Museum of Ukrainian Pottery, the Collegium of Arts, the Academic Institute of Ceramics – the Department of the Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Opishnia transformation into a brand center of national culture and tourism.


(studio “Renaissance”, 2009; director is Lyudmyla Poshyvailo, script writer is Viktoriya Zuban’, cameramen are Yuriy Herasimenko, Lyudmyla Poshyvailo, editor is Yuriy Herasimenko, narrator is Iryna Chirka; the length of a film is 13 min. 58 sec)

This film is about the artistic feat of coryphaeuses of Ukrainian ceramics, representatives of one of the most ancient pottery families of Ukraine, founders of the first private ceramic museum in Ukraine, Havrylo and Yavdokha Poshyvailo (to mark the 100th anniversary of the prominent married couple).


(studio “Renaissance”, 2010; director is Lyudmyla Poshyvailo, script writer is Viktoriya Zuban’, cameraman and editor is Yuriy Herasimenko, narrator is Iryna Chirka; the length of a film is 15 min. 52 sec)

This film is about the artistic achievements of the Honored Master of Folk Art of Ukraine, the laureate of the All-Ukrainian Literary and Art Prize named after Ivan Nechui-Levytsky, the potter Mykola Poshyvailo in Opishne.


(studio “Renaissance”, 2010; director, cameraman and script writer is Lyudmyla Poshyvailo, editor is Yuriy Herasimenko, narrator is Iryna Chirka; the length of a film is 11 min. 29 sec)

This film is about the creative charisma of the coryphaeus of Ukrainian ceramics, the Honored Master of Folk Art of Ukraine, the winner of the National Taras Shevchenko Prize of Ukraine, the author of the unique zoomorphic sculpture, the potter Ivan Bilyk (to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of prominent artist).


(studio “Renaissance”, 2010; director and script writer is Lyudmyla Poshyvailo, cameramen are Lyudmyla Poshyvailo, Yuriy Herasimenko, editor is Yuriy Herasimenko, narrator is Iryna Chirka; the length of a film is 11 min. 03 sec)

This film is about the greatness and tragedy of lonely creativity, the famous potter – the classic of Ukrainian folk art, the master of clay toys and a painter, an honored master of folk art of Ukraine – Oleksandra Selyuchenko


(studio “Renaissance”, 2010; director is Lyudmyla Poshyvailo, script writers are Viktoriya Zuban’, Iryna Chirka, cameramen are Lyudmyla Poshyvailo, Yuriy Herasimenko, editor is Yuriy Herasimenko, narrator is Iryna Chirka; the length of a film is 13 min. 35 sec)

The film is a memoir about the philosopher and collector of the opishnia ceramics, professor Leonid Smorzh


(studio “Renaissance”, 2010; director is Lyudmyla Poshyvailo, script writers are Lyudmyla Poshyvailo, Iryna Chirka, cameraman and editor is Yuriy Herasimenko, narrator is Iryna Chirka; the length of a film is 8 min. 54 sec)

This film is about the creative achievements of the Honored Master of Folk Art of Ukraine, a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine and the National Union of Masters of Folk Art of Ukraine, the laureate of Taras Shevchenko state prize of Ukraine, the author of the unique baroque sculpture, potter Vasil Omelianenko.


(studio “Renaissance”, 2010; director is Lyudmyla Poshyvailo, script writer is Oles Poshyvailo, cameraman and editor is Yuriy Herasimenko, narrator is Iryna Chirka; the length of a film is 9 min. 07 sec)

This film is about the creative achievements of the Honored Master of Folk Art of Ukraine, a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine and the National Union of Masters of Folk Art of Ukraine, the laureate of Taras Shevchenko state prize of Ukraine, the author of the unique baroque sculpture, potter Mikhailo Kytrysh.


(studio “Renaissance”, 2012; director is Lyudmyla Poshyvailo, script writer is Iryna Chirka, cameraman and editor is Yuriy Herasimenko, narrator is Iryna Chirka; the length of a film is 6 min. 36 sec)

This film is about the technology of making clay products for children.


Posted in Без категорії

Conferences and workshops in 2017

During 2017, the Ukrainian Center for Cultural Studies under the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine held the conferences and seminars for the implementation of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage:

Scientific and Practical Conference “Preservation and Popularization of Traditional Crafts: Cultural Practices” (May 25, 2017, Krolevets);

All-Ukrainian theoretical and practical conference (with international participation) “Traditional culture of Ukraine as part of cultural policy: the current state, threats, opportunities” (on 2nd November, 2017, Kyiv, National center for folk culture “Ivan Honchar Museum”).

The conference dealt with:

tradition of handpicked weaving in Eastern and Central Europe;

the current state, threats, opportunities for traditional culture safeguarding and popularization;

the development of traditions through formal and informal education;

III All-Ukrainian theoretical and practical conference with international participation «Implementation of the Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage: results and opportunities» (Kyiv, National Reserve “Sophia of Kyiv”, on 20-21 December, 2017)

The work of the conference was conducted in such scientific and practical directions:

Intangible cultural heritage as a socio-economic resource for the development of regions: activity of regional folk art centers.

The role of the educational system (formal and informal) in forming the mechanisms for the intangible cultural heritage preservation.

Activities of public organizations in the direction of the intangible cultural heritage preservation.

The technology for preservation and presentation of tangible cultural objects and elements of intangible cultural heritage, which are inscribed on the Regional, National Lists/Inventories and International lists of UNESCO.

New technologies as a means of preservation and presentation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

Resources and mechanisms for the preservation and dissemination of tangible and intangible cultural heritage in the context of the EU Creative Europe Grant Program in Ukraine.

Within III All-Ukrainian theoretical and practical conference with international participation “Implementation of the Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage: results and opportunities” the workshop “Implementation of electronic registration of cultural heritage objects: metadata standards” was held. (Kyiv, National Reserve “Sophia of Kyiv”, on 21 December, 2017)

The workshop “The algorithm for submission the documents to promote the elements of the Intangible Cultural Heritage” (28.02.2017, Kyiv, National Historical Library of Ukraine.

The workshop “The algorithm for submission the documents to promote the elements of the Intangible Cultural Heritage” was planned to introduce the UNESCO requirements and methods concerning preparation and submission of the supporting papers of the Intangible Cultural Heritage elements to include it on the Local/ Regional lists/inventories, National Register and International lists.


The experts from the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Center for Cultural Studies informed about the UNESCO methodology for filing documents and new requirements for the execution of Inventory and Forms for the intangible cultural heritage elements.


The purpose is to familiarize audience with the documentary requirements and procedures for promoting the elements of the intangible cultural heritage to the local / regional lists and the National Register/Inventory of Ukraine.


“The International Seminar for Sharing Experience with Estonian ICH Experts” (27-29 September 2017)

The International Seminar focused on issue concerning sharing experience in implementation of UNESCO Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage and carrying out measures to protect, preserve and popularize the intangible cultural heritage elements by example of Estonian and Ukrainian handpicked weaving and multiple-voice singing tradition. The scientific part of seminar was combined with creative workshops.

Seminar participants: Estonian folk culture center representatives, members of Seto community, Estonian folk masters, Seto leelo choir participants (element, inscribed on the UNESCO List) “Siidisõsara” (Estonia); The experts from the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Center for Cultural Studies; masters of hand-made artistic and decorative handpicked weaving (Ukraine); singing group participants from Dnipropetrovsk Region, village of Luka (Kyiv region), folk group “Roksolaniya”; scientists informed on the measures, forms of safeguarding, preservation and popularization of the intangible cultural heritage elements, in order to ensure their viability and the level of attraction of members of the community to them, as well as the bearers of elements, demonstrated samples of the intangible cultural heritage elements.


The purpose is to share experience in implementation of UNESCO Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage and carrying out measures to protect, preserve and popularize the intangible cultural heritage elements by example of Estonian and Ukrainian handpicked weaving and multiple-voice singing tradition.


Co-organizers of conferences and round table:

International theoretical and practical conference “Tenth All-Ukrainian Scientific Folklore Readings devoted to Professor Lydia Dunaevskaya”

“National folklore is the basis of cross-cultural communication” (May 24, 2017, Kyiv, Institute of Philology at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv;


The purpose of the conference: The conference was aimed at carrying out a comprehensive scientific review of the current state of humanities in Ukraine and the world with the assistance of scientists, postgraduates, students from all over Ukraine and foreign countries, who are studying the actual problems of folklore, literary studies, art studies, museum studies and traditional culture.

Within the framework of the conference, the following sections were conducted:

Folklore of Ukraine as a nation-building factor

Folk Suggestion in Modern Media Space

Folklore in the modern educational space

Fairy tale studies in Ukraine

Folklore in Ukraine: achievements, problems of methodology, development opportunities

Ethno-mosaics of traditional cultures of Ukraine

Folklore studies of ethnographic regions of Ukraine

At the crossroads of two cultures: the interaction of collective and individual creativity

Ethnomusicology: the history of research and new methodological approaches

Ukraine and the world: Polylogue of cultures

Children’s folklore and folklore for children

Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ukraine: Challenges and Opportunities


Round table “Traditional painted Kosiv Ceramics: preparation for the UNESCO List” (September 1, 2017, Kyiv, The Centre of Ukrainian Culture and Arts);


International theoretical and practical conference-festival “Intangible cultural heritage as a modern tourist resource: experience, practices, innovations” (October 25-26, 2017, Kyiv, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts).

The purpose of the conference: International theoretical and practical conference-festival “Intangible cultural heritage as a modern tourist resource: experience, practices, innovations” was held to implement UNESCO Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage, the Law of Ukraine “On the Accession of Ukraine to the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage”, the Law of Ukraine “On Tourism”, Tourism and resorts development strategies for the period up to 2026, other normative legal acts and for the purpose of carrying out a comprehensive scientific review of the current state of the intangible cultural heritage elements as a national tourism product in Ukraine and abroad with the assistance of scientists, postgraduates, students of Ukraine and foreign countries , who study current problems of the tourism industry, cultural studies, philosophy, folklore, art studies, museum studies, pedagogy, psychology and economics, folklore groups and masters.

The work of the conference was conducted in the following scientific and practical areas (creative laboratories):

1. Intangible cultural heritage: formal and informal education.

2. Intangible cultural heritage: ethics, gender issues, development indicators.

3. Festival movement as a form of popularization of ICH and the tourism development. 4. Management of popularization and preservation of intangible heritage at the state and regional levels.

Access mode: http://knukim.edu.ua/novunu/nematerialna-kulturna-spadshhina-yak-turisti…


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Прес-анонс брифінгу, присвяченого реалізації проекту “МАЛІ МІСТА – ВЕЛИКІ ВРАЖЕННЯ”

29 березня 2018 року (четвер) о 13.00 в ІА “Укрінформ” (м. Київ, вул. Б. Хмельницького, 8/16) відбудеться брифінг, присвячений реалізації ініційованого Міністерством культури України проекту “Малі міста – великі враження”. У рамках  проекту вісім фіналістів, відібраних шляхом відкритого конкурсу, протягом літніх місяців 2018 року на основі історичних пам’яток створять культурні стартапи, які мають надати поштовх для подальшого культурно-економічного розвитку територій.
Спікери брифінгу:
Євген Нищук – Міністр культури України
Тамара Мазур – заступник Міністра культури України
Ірина Френкель – директор Українського центру культурних досліджень
Голови міст  – переможців конкурсного відбору для участі у проекті
Акредитація ЗМІ за тел.: 234-15-36 та e-mail: presa@mincult.gov.ua
Місце проведення:  м. Київ, вул. Б. Хмельницького, 8/16, ІА “Укрінформ”, о 13.00
Прес-служба Міністерства культури України

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

On March 21, 2018, on the occasion of International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, a thematic training “Youth of Luhansk Region Against Discrimination and Racism”. will be held in the Luhansk Regional Center of Folk Art, under the patronage of the Culture, Nationalities and Religions Department of the Luhansk Oblast State Administration.

This event is aimed at strengthening the counteraction to manifestations of xenophobia in our region and creating a better, safer and more tolerant future.

Venue: Center for Culture and Leisure for the students of the State Institution “Luhansk State Medical University” (Luhansk region, city of Rubizhne, Moscow avenue, 25a).

The event starts at 15.30

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